Assistant of the Department of Management and Business Administration
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Since 2023, September – until now – I have been getting a master’s degree, majoring in “Management”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2016, November – up to now – Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University, PhD student, Politology.

2013-2015 – Warsaw University (Studium Europy Wschodniej, Uniwersytet Warszawski), Specialist of Central Europe, Master’s degree.

2009-2014 – Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University, Faculty of International Relations, Master of international relations, analyst and translator.

1999-2009 рр. – school №22, Ivano-Frankivsk.


LANGUAGES: Ukrainian – native; English – C1, Polish – B2, Spanish – A1.

COMPUTER SKILLS: Microsoft office at the user level.


  1. Pitei Nataliia. The US-Russian political relations during the second term of Barack Obama: Ukrainian context (in Ukrainian) / Cвіт очима молодих / Orbis terrarum oculis iuvenibus: Збірник наукових праць. Івано-Франківськ: «Лілея-НВ». 2016. Вип. 2. P. 21-28.
  2. Pitei Nataliia. New trends in the US-Russian relations after the change of political elites in the United States: Ukrainian context (in Ukrainian) / Україна у світовому історичному просторі: зб. матеріалів Всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. Маріуполь: МДУ, 2017. P. 210-214.
  3. Seniuk-Pitei Nataliia. New trends in the global security environment – where are we heading? / NATO in a changing global security environment: collection of scientific works. Lviv. 2013. P. 44-47.
  4. Pitei Nataliia. Normalization of the US-Russian relations in the first years of Barack Obama’s presidency (2009-2010) (in Ukrainian) / Прикарпатський вісник НТШ «Думка»: зб. Наукових праць. Івано-Франківськ. 2017. Вип. 5-6(41-42)-2017. P. 159-169
  5. Pitei Nataliia. Barack Obama’s reaction to the events in Crimea and Donbas: from policy of pacification to a sharp condemnation of the Russian Federation’s actions towards Ukraine/ Безпекові виклики у геополітиці ХХІ століття. Зб. матеріалів міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Львів. 2017. P. 61-65
  6. Pitei Nataliia. The missile defense system issue in the US-Russian relations during Barack Obama’s presidency (in Ukrainian) / Вісник Львівського університету. Серія «Міжнародні відносини». 2018. Вип. 44. P.171-182
  7. Pitei Nataliia. Barack Obama’s Foreign Policy Principles: Russian Context (in Ukrainian) / Вісник Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут». Політологія. Соціологія. Право. Київ. 2018. Вип. 3(39). Р.83-89.
  8. Pitei Nataliia. Eurasianism and its practical embodiment in the Ukrainian foreign policy of the Russian Federation (in Ukrainian) / Актуальні проблеми зовнішньої політики України: зб. матеріалів XVI Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції студентів та молодих вчених: Чернівці, 2022.


2018, September-December – internship at Centrum Europy Wschodniej UMCS, Lublin.

2014 – internship at Center of Certified Translations, Ivano-Frankivsk.

2014 р. – internship at The Carpathian Training and Methodological Center for Political and European Integration Studies, Ivano-Frankivsk.

2012 р., July – internship at Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Poland, Warsaw.


2023, February – 2023, August – English teacher, Oil and Gas University, Ivano-Frankivsk.

2017, March-December – English teacher (A1-B2 levels) at Canadian Business Center, Ivano-Frankivsk.

2016, April-August – sales manager at 23 Restaurants, Ivano-Frankivsk.

February-March, 2015 – manager at VFS Global visa center, Ivano-Frankivsk.

2011 – up to now – English tutor, Ivano-Frankivsk.

May-September, 2011 – worked at Impala Hotel Inn and the restaurant „Clancy’s by the sea” (Program „Work and travel”).


2019, June 4 – participant of a round table with American students and researchers of the Program named after Fulbright on the topic: “Presidential elections in Ukraine”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2019, May 30 – participant of the conference on the topic: “Energy factor in modern international relations”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2018, November 18 – co-organizer and moderator of the conference on the topic: “NATO: in search of answers to current challenges and threats”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

March 15, 2018 – a participant in the conference on the topic: “The European Union and the United States: methods of cooperation in the new geopolitical reality”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2017, November 24 – co-organizer and moderator of the conference on the topic: “Terrorism: trends, forecasts and solutions”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2017, June 21 – participation in a round table for young scientists on the topic: “Ukraine and the EU: new challenges and new opportunities”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2017, May 12 – co-organizer and participant of the international conference of young scientists on the topic: “Eastern Europe within the framework of Russian foreign policy”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2017, February 28 – co-organizer and participant of the international conference of young scientists on the topic: “Modern conflict in the Middle East: challenges and threats for Europe and the world”, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpatian National University.

2013, October 3-4 – participation in a scientific conference on the topic: “NATO in the context of changing global security”, Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko.